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Quick Tip for Ujjayi Breath (Tues Tip of the Day)

ujjayi breath

Tuesday Tip of the Day: Quick Tip to practice Ujjayi Breath.

Ujjayi breath is sometimes referred to as "Darth Vador" is deep from the back of the throat. Some people say it sounds like an ocean wave.

It is a calming breathing technique to help you connect to your breath and become more present; and it can be used at any time during a yoga class.

If you've never done it before, start with one hand in front of your mouth and nose. Imagine that hand is a mirror that you are trying to fog up with your breath.

Start by taking a deep breath in through your nose...and exhale through your mouth from the back of your throat. Try to do the same thing in and out through the nose. The breath should be audible, at least to you, but may or may not be heard by someone near you.



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Geneva, IL 

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