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Energy Healing - A Little Info About the Meridians

Our Tuesday Tip of the Day is a little info about our meridians.

Energy flows through our body in channels--these channels are referred to as "meridians."

According to one of my favorite books, "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden, Meridians are "14 tangible pathways that carry energy into, through and out of your body." You may know a bit about Chinese medicine and acupuncture points--these points run along our energy pathways (Meridians!) and they can be stimulated with needs or physical pressure to release or redistribute energy. "Your meridians are your body's energy bloodstream."

Recent findings show a connection between the meridians and our connective tissue.

caterpillar pose

We can actually focus on our connective tissue in the practice of Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga is a very slow practice that holds each pose for up to several minutes at a time. If you're interested in trying a Yin yoga pose, here is a "yin" counterpart to our "yang" seated forward fold (pictured). In the yin practice, it is known as Caterpillar Pose. The legs are stretched out in front of you about hips distance apart. Yin is a bit different, because our backs are rounded as we relax our muscles to get into the deeper connective tissue. Let your head come down and hold the pose for up to 3-5 minutes.


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