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Start where you are

Do what you can

Begin now

This can really apply to anything, including yoga. In this way (and in so many others) yoga is a metaphor for life (if you're a yogi, you probably already get that).

How many times have you told yourself you couldn't start something that you really wanted to do until ____ fill in the blank. There is always a reason, right? Do you know how many people have told me they couldn't start a yoga practice because they weren't flexible enough? If only they realized that is not how you start...that is part of what you become along the way.

So think of something today that you've really wanted to do that you have been telling yourself you can't because of _____ (whatever the reason is).

In yoga, we START WHERE WE ARE...flexible; inflexible; too flexible; strong; not as strong; whatever your body looks like today; whatever mindset you are in right now. We don't compare ourselves to anyone else because they aren't on the same journey as us.

We do what we can...if you go to a class for the first time, maybe that means you do half and watch the other half. Maybe it means certain poses aren't for you today. Maybe today you aren't touching your toes. Perhaps you don't totally get the whole savasana thing or the whole breathing thing just yet. Maybe you can't stay still during the savasana or stop your mind from wandering. It's ok (take a breath!). DO WHAT YOU CAN today. And then come back and do it again tomorrow.

BEGIN NOW...because there's no time like the present, right?

So, just for today, use this as a metaphor to get you thinking about whatever it is in your life that you really want to do. Start where you are. Do what you can. Begin now.



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Everyday Yoga Escape Inc

Geneva, IL 

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