Can I do yoga?
All the time, I have people come to me and tell me why they think they can't do yoga. Yoga is for every body! I promise. You just need to find the class or practice that suits you; they probably ALL won't suit you so it does take a bit of time to find your place.
But I'm:
NOT FLEXIBLE: Yoga helps you to find your flexibility...both physical and mental. Just as you do not go to a Learn to Speak Spanish class because you are fluent in Spanish, you do not start a yoga practice expecting to already be flexible. It will come with time.
OUT OF SHAPE: You are not alone. No time to start like the present. There is nothing saying you cannot try yoga. Yoga can be an amazing start to your journey and inspire you to keep going and create a more healthful lifestyle overall. What are you waiting for?
NOT STRONG: Much like not being flexible, this is where you start. Yoga helps you to gain strength. You can certainly find a class that does not require immense strength at the beginning.
TOO OLD: Nope, sorry. There are people in their 80's and 90's doing yoga and the cool thing I've found is that some START at this age and have never done it before. Of course, check with your doctor and look for a class that is at your ability level. There are classes ranging from everything from chair yoga to gentle yoga and even senior yoga.
TOO STRESSED: Another great reason to start doing yoga. Yoga helps to calm you down and can help to reduce stress.
TOO BUSY: And another great reason to start! If you are too busy, you probably need some calm time to reflect during your day. What a great time to do yoga!
A TOTAL NEWBIE: We all started somewhere. Even if you don't know anything about yoga, there are certainly beginner classes out there. Take a look at the "Beginner Poses" section of this website.
NOT A MEMBER OF A GYM OR STUDIO: You don't need to be a part of a gym or studio. You can certainly do yoga at home. Check out my dvd (coming soon!) in the "BUY AMY'S VIDEO" section of this website.
NOT BUYING SUPER EXPENSIVE YOGA CLOTHES: Good. You certainly don't need them. It drives me crazy when I see commercials making it seem like you need to look a certain way or dress a certain way to do yoga. Yoga is for everyone. Wear something comfortable, but not too baggy as you will be moving in all directions.
PREGNANT: Check with your doctor. There are lots of specific prenatal yoga classes out there.
SUFFERING FROM AN INJURY OR DISEASE: Definitely check with your doctor. Very often you can do yoga and it can be a great compliment to any medical attention you are receiving. Also, note that there are yoga classes designed for specific ailments. For example, I am certified as a Cancer Exercise Specialist and teach a class specifically for Cancer Warriors. Check in your local area.